




※活動時間:2016年3月25日(星期六) 8:40~12:00


時間 課程內容
08:40-09:00 報到暨自由參觀特展
09:00-09:10 「醫人治世的先覺者-白色恐怖時期醫師群像特展」短片欣賞
09:10-10:30 臺灣人權發展進程與轉型正義(講師邀請中)
10:30-10:40 休息
10:40-12:00 打破暗暝見天光工作坊:
12:00 賦歸
Workshop for The Awakened Healers: the Doctor Victims of the White Terror in Taiwan
During the White Terror in the 1950s in Taiwan, many physicians were victimised. The 14 medical doctors in this exhibition all suffered from being involved in the Chinese Communist Taiwan Provincial Work Committee, and eight of them were executed. As the ratio of sentencing to death was very high. During the changing times in Taiwanese society, these knowledgeable doctors saw the corruption of politics, the waning economic growth, and the destitution of ordinary lives, they joined the committee with passion, fighting against the government with the hopes of creating an ideal society without oppression; yet, they sacrificed under the state violence. 
This educational activity consists of a lecture on the development of human rights and Transitional Justice in Taiwan and a workshop shared by doctor victim and their family member.

Date and time: March 25, 2017   9:00-12:00  (Please report to the reception desk from 8:40 to 9:00. )

Place: special exhibition room of Museum of KMU Historical Archives and Southern Taiwan Medical History(east wing, first floor, the Second Historic Building)
Registration: Please sign up via online system( https://goo.gl/forms/iS8kqkqPMeaP0M1C2).
(There are only 30 registration places. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. If the applications are oversubscribed, we will stop accepting applications without further notice.)
OrganizerPreparatory Office of the National Human Rights Museum
Co-Organizer: Museum  of Kaohsiung Medical University Historical Archives and Southern Taiwan Medical History
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